
Pin-Up Bet Cricket Betting

How to profit from betting on cricket and gain money.

Cricket is a very sophisticated sport with many nuances that are specific to each of its many varied formats, from the five-day Test match to the 20-over game played under the floodlights. Paul Krishnamurty walks you through the most effective strategies for making a profit from each of the game's many distinct formats.

Competitions in a Variety of Formats

If one were to be asked to choose the sport that provides the most lucrative prospects for trading, it would be difficult to create a case that is more compelling than that of cricket. There is a televised match nearly every day, sometimes even two or three, and liquidity can be found across a large number of markets. In addition, there are a great number of subtleties involved in this sport, all of which play a significant role in determining the outcome of each match and innings. The well-researched and diligent trader will soon be in a position to enjoy a big advantage over the majority of punters as soon as they develop a deep comprehension of those details.

The Five Primary Formats Are As Follows:

1) Matches spanning five days that are played amongst international teams. They are often played over the course of a series consisting of anything from three to five matches.

2) Competitions played over the course of four days between counties in England. In these situations, the betting strategies that are utilized for tests are applicable to a large extent.

3) Matches played with a fifty-over limit on each side, which typically involve international teams. Again, these are typically a part of a series or a competition with multiple teams, such as the World Cup or the ICC Trophy.

4) Matches in the CB40 Trophy played at a rate of forty overs per side between English counties. The tactical considerations involved in trading these are, for the most part, equivalent to those for 50 over matches.

5) Each match will be twenty overs per side. This is a phenomena that is taking place on a global scale, and there are currently four major club tournaments as well as an international scene.


The Indian Premier League, which takes place over the course of six weeks beginning in April, is the world's most important club competition. The Twenty20 Cup is currently being held in England. Following the conclusion of the Caribbean T20, Australia will host the Big Bash. The last competition available to clubs is the Champions League Twenty20, which will take place in South Africa during the month of October this year. In September of this year, Sri Lanka will play host to the World Cup competition for international teams.